Importing Red Onions to UAE

Are you looking to import high-quality red onions to UAE? Look no further than, the leading red onions exporter in Kenya. With years of experience and a reputation for excellence, is the ideal supplier for all your red onion needs.

The UAE onion market is a lucrative and growing industry, with a high demand for quality red onions. The UAE imported over 290,000 metric tons of onions in 2020, with a market value of over $92 million USD. With such a large market, it is important to choose the right supplier to ensure the best quality and value for your business.

Factors to consider when choosing an onion supplier

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a supplier for your red onions:


Quality is of utmost importance when it comes to onions, as they are a staple ingredient in many dishes. sources their onions from the best farms in Kenya, ensuring that you receive only the freshest and highest quality onions possible.


The amount of onions you require will depend on the size and needs of your business. has the capacity to supply large quantities of red onions to meet your demand, with flexible shipping options to ensure timely delivery.


Pricing is an important consideration when choosing a supplier. offers competitive pricing and flexible payment options to make importing red onions to UAE affordable and convenient.


Proper packaging is essential to ensure that the onions arrive at their destination in perfect condition. carefully packs their onions to ensure they arrive fresh and ready to use.

Customer service

Good customer service is essential for a successful business partnership. is committed to providing excellent customer service, with responsive communication and a dedicated team to ensure your satisfaction.

Best Red Onions Importer to UAE

Importing red onions to UAE can be a lucrative and rewarding venture, but it is important to choose the right supplier. is the leading exporter of red onions in Kenya, with a reputation for excellence and a commitment to quality and customer service. Contact today to start your red onion importation journey!

Red Onion Growing in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers

Kenya is a top producer of red onions, with the crop being grown in various regions across the country. Red onions are not only a popular ingredient in many dishes but also a lucrative crop for farmers. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of red onion growing in Kenya, including the ideal conditions for cultivation, planting and harvesting techniques, common diseases and pests, and marketing opportunities.

Ideal Conditions for Red Onion Cultivation in Kenya

Red onions thrive in warm climates and well-draining soils. They require full sunlight for at least six hours a day and a consistent supply of water. In Kenya, the best regions for red onion cultivation include Nakuru, Narok, Nyandarua, Kiambu, and Meru. These regions have favorable weather patterns and soil conditions that support optimal growth.

Planting and Harvesting Techniques

Red onions are typically propagated from seeds, which are sown directly into the soil or transplanted from seedlings. The ideal time for planting red onions in Kenya is during the rainy season, which usually occurs between March and June. Farmers can prepare the soil by adding compost and organic fertilizers to improve soil fertility and structure.

During planting, the seeds should be spaced at least 10 centimeters apart, and the rows should be 20-30 centimeters apart. After planting, it is important to maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil to promote germination and growth. Red onions are usually ready for harvesting after four to six months. The best way to harvest is to pull the entire plant out of the soil, leaving it to dry in the sun for a few days before storing.

Common Diseases and Pests

Red onions are susceptible to various diseases and pests, which can affect the quality and yield of the crop. Some of the common diseases include onion downy mildew, onion white rot, and fusarium basal rot. To prevent these diseases, farmers should practice crop rotation and use disease-resistant onion varieties.

Pests such as thrips, onion maggots, and cutworms can also cause significant damage to red onions. Farmers can control these pests by using insecticides and implementing integrated pest management strategies.

Marketing Opportunities

Red onions are in high demand both locally and internationally, making them a profitable crop for farmers. In Kenya, red onions are commonly sold in local markets, supermarkets, and to food processing companies. Farmers can also export red onions to various international markets, including Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

To access these markets, farmers need to adhere to strict quality standards and obtain the necessary certifications and permits. It is important to work with reliable exporters who can provide guidance and support throughout the export process.

Farming Onions Using Drip Irrigation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Farmers

Onions are a popular crop in many parts of the world, including Kenya. They are used in various cuisines and are known for their medicinal properties. However, growing onions can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to providing them with sufficient water. In this article, we will explore the benefits of drip irrigation for onion farming and provide a step-by-step guide for farmers on how to implement this technique.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation for Onion Farming

Drip irrigation is a method of providing plants with water directly at their roots, using a network of tubes and emitters. This technique has several benefits for onion farming, including:

  1. Improved Water Efficiency: Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the plant’s root zone, reducing water loss due to evaporation and surface runoff. This makes it a more efficient way of irrigating onions than traditional methods like flood or sprinkler irrigation.
  2. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Drip irrigation allows farmers to apply fertilizers directly to the root zone, ensuring that the plants receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and yield.
  3. Reduced Weed Growth: Drip irrigation delivers water only to the plant’s root zone, reducing the amount of moisture available to weed seeds. This can help to minimize weed growth and the need for herbicides.

Step-by-Step Guide for Farming Onions Using Drip Irrigation

  1. Site Selection: Choose a site with well-draining soil and access to a reliable water source. The site should also have adequate sunlight for onion growth.
  2. Soil Preparation: Prepare the soil by removing weeds and rocks and breaking up any hardpan. Add organic matter like compost to improve soil fertility and structure.
  3. Drip Irrigation System Design: Design a drip irrigation system that suits your farm’s specific needs. Consider factors like the size of the farm, the type of soil, and the available water source. The system should include a filter to prevent clogging of the emitters and a pressure regulator to maintain consistent water flow.
  4. Planting: Plant onion seedlings in rows, leaving a space of 10-15 centimeters between each plant. The rows should be at least 30 centimeters apart.
  5. Irrigation Schedule: Set up an irrigation schedule that delivers water to the onion roots on a regular basis. The frequency and duration of irrigation will depend on factors like the weather, soil type, and crop stage.
  6. Fertilization: Apply fertilizers to the onion roots through the drip irrigation system. Use a balanced fertilizer with the right amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  7. Weed Control: Use weed barriers or mulching to prevent weed growth in the onion beds. Avoid using herbicides, as they can damage the onion plants.
  8. Harvesting: Harvest the onions when the leaves start to dry up and fall over. Pull the onions out of the soil, leaving them to dry in the sun for a few days before storage.

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